Self-assessment by students with feedbackr

Empower students with self-assessment using feedbackr, enabling them to identify their strengths and weaknesses while providing teachers with valuable insights into their learning progress.

Self-assessments give students the opportunity to consciously reflect on their strengths and weaknesses. Also for the teachers, the collected anonymous results of the self-assessment provide valuable additional information which can be integrated into the lesson/course. This gives the teacher a clearer picture of the students’ overall learning progress.

Use multiple choice questions and make sure that only one answer can be selected (“Multiple Choice” disabled). Important: make sure that the “Show results immediately” setting is deactivated so that students do not influence each other.


  • Students reflect on the material presented.
  • Teachers receive an assessment of the learning status of their students.

Recommended settings in feedbackr

Single choice question

Show results immediately: depending on the question, you can activate this option. If you want to avoid mutual influence between students, deactivate this setting.

Multiple Choice: If students are supposed to give multiple answers, activate this setting

Free text question (available in feedbackr education advanced)

Show answers:

  • immediately: if all students should be able to see the answers of others immediately
  • after stopping: The answers will be visible to the students if you stop the question.
  • never: the answers are only visible for you, never for your students

Multiple answers: activate that option if you want your students can ask more than one question

Answer Ranking: this allows your students to prioritize the answers. This setting is only effective in combination with “Show answers: immediately”.

Give your students the opportunity to self-assess and try it out now!

Do you already know our other articles about use cases in education:

Next week, we will introduce you to the uses of feedbackr for test and examination preparations.