feedbackr, what are you developing next?
Yesterday we invited you to ask the feedbackr team questions that have been on your mind for some time. The question with the highest ranking was...

What are you developing next?
An excellent question 😉 We involve our customers and their feedback very strongly in the development of feedbackr. Many exciting functions are on our agenda:
Campus and business solutions
We have recently started offering campus and business solutions. So feedbackr can be used by the entire staff of the educational institution/company. The design is adapted to the educational institution or company. A lot is possible and some things still can be done. This includes for example single sign-on. This will make access even easier for your staff.
feedbackr presenter
In a few days we will introduce our presenter. The presenter allows you to switch between the presentation and the feedbackr results from any device. You can use your smartphone or tablet to control when you want to switch between presentation and results.
Of course, we will continue to focus on our matchmaking research and development project. Our aim is to make matchmaking at events more flexible and efficient. There is still a lot of potential that we absolutely want to exploit.

Moderation of free text answers and questions (Q&A)
At some events it is necessary to moderate free text responses before they are presented to the other audience. For this purpose, a moderat
ion process will be introduced. For example, questions are only visible to the audience once they have been approved by the moderator.
Insert pictures in question
This function was often requested. Sometimes questions are asked about pictures. At the moment it is solved by the lecturers in a way that the pictures are either displayed in the presentation or integrated into feedbackr via HTML. These are very complicated solutions. We are convinced that we can make this even more user-friendly.
Insert formulas into questions
Especially in teaching formulas are important. Currently, formulas in questions are not yet graphically very appealing. That is why we want to address this issue.
Copy sessions
Many of our customers need the function to duplicate their sessions. Be it, for example, surveys that are sent to different user groups or lectures that are repeated every year.
Take sessions offline
At the end of an event, you may want to take sessions offline again. For example, if they are not supposed to be accessible to the public in the long term. Therefore, we are working on a feature to take sessions offline so that they can no longer be accessed via the access code.
Hide questions
In addition to starting and stopping a question, our customers want to have the possibility to hide questions..
So we have big plans! If you have any suggestions/requests for feedback, please send us a short message.