New features: Free Text Questions & Real-time Display of Results
The feature our users asked for the most, as well as another nifty revision, are coming on February 27th with the new feedbackr release! Find out what two of our most coveted new functionalities can do and how you apply them.

#1: Free Text Questions
One of the most-heard questions for our team was: “When will you have questions in free text format?” It is time for us to answer: “On February 27th!” We developed the answering type free text question responding to a great number of inquiries from our users. And we hope you’re going to enjoy this new feature as much as we do.
Free text questions will be available in two different formats:
- replies are visible to all participants
- replies are visible to host only → private feedback
Here are some ideas for how to use the free text question type for you area of application.
Case 1: Replies are visible to all participants
The first format is a great tool to detect general trends, interests or opinions among your audience. It may be used at the beginning of a speech to determine which issues are most relevant to your listeners.
Or it may support a collective brainstorming and gathering of ideas at any time throughout your presentation.
Some ideas for suitable questions:
- What are your expectations of today’s lesson/presentation?
- What is your current field of work?
- What [other] solutions can you think of for the given model case?
Case 2: Replies are visible to host only
The second format provides event hosts and lecturers with much more detailed feedback and suggestions than before. Using free text, the audience can be much more precise with their questions or criticism.
And as everyone is able to use their own words rather than “translate” them into a pre-set answering option first, you get a more authentic, more accurate and more insightful feedback for yourself.
Some ideas for suitable questions:
- What would you like to say about today’s event?
- How could I (we) improve the keynote?
- What questions were not answered?
- What would you like to learn more about at an upcoming event?
Now we know you’re dying to get your hands on it, so …
What plans and versions include the free text question feature?
The following versions and plans of the new feedbackr come with this questioning type:
- Events
- Corporate
- Lecturing (from Professional)
Multiple Question Types
#2: Real-time Display of incoming Results
The second feature we’d like to present today is all about stepping it up a notch during your event or your lecture. Up until now, survey answers appeared as soon as you stopped the question. Want to keep your listeners even more on edge?
With the new feedbackr, you can choose to screen results while they are coming in: in real time and parallel to voting.
How it works: Every user can see the incoming replies as soon as they have sent their own. And as long as you don’t stop the question, they can even change it.
This new functionality works for all three types of questions:
- Single Choice
- Multiple Choice
- Free Text
What plans and versions include the real-time display of results feature?
This functionality is featured in all versions and plans of the new feedbackr.
You have questions or concerns? Contact us anytime at!