Moderation of incoming contributions with feedbackr
Enhance audience-presenter interaction with feedbackr's moderated free text questions, ensuring a high-quality, focused discussion by filtering contributions in real-time or post-submission.

The use of free text questions at events creates a variety of possibilities for interaction between audience and presenter. In addition to the positive aspects of free text questions such as collecting opinions or generating ideas occasionally not serious comments are submitted. In order to maintain the level of the event, such contributions may be deliberately moderated in feedbackr.
The moderation of free text questions is available in the following packages:
There are two different types of the moderation:
Show contributions after approval
All contributions are immediately visible in the administration interface. The audience will not see the contributions until they have been approved.
This variant ensures that only serious contributions are visible to the public. However, this also means that each individual contribution must be released.
Settings in feedbackr

Show answers: either “after stopping” or “immediately”
Moderation: “only show accepted”
Multiple answers: optional (allows more than one contribution per person)
Answer Ranking: optional (allows a prioritization of posts). Take a look at our blog post Interaction made even easier – free text questions and Q&A for your presentations!
Remove contributions after they’ve been posted
In this variant, all contributions are immediately visible to your audience. However, the administrator can intervene retrospectively and hide inappropriate contributions.
With this variant, you only have to keep an eye on the contributions. If an inappropriate comment is posted, it can be hidden with a single click.
Settings in feedbackr

Show answers: either “after stopping” or “immediately”
Moderation: “hide rejected”
Multiple answers: optional (allows more than one contribution per person)
Answer Ranking: optional (allows a prioritization of posts)
Moderation of incoming comments will make it even easier for you to respond to the audience’s reactions, to ensure a smooth process of your event.
We hope you enjoy using feedbackr!