With joy we look back on a successful year
2017 marked a transformative year for feedbackr, featuring the launch of feedbackr 2.0, innovative features like white labeling and free-text questions, and user-centric enhancements, setting the stage for the future introduction of the feedbackr presenter tool.

We have achieved, renewed and moved a lot in 2017 – thanks to a fantastic team and valuable customer feedback:
Major milestone: Release of feedbackr 2.0 on February 27, 2017
On February 27,2017 was an important moment for the entire feedbackr team: A lot of energy flowed into the successful new development of feedbackr 2.0. The technology behind feedbackr has been completely renewed – so new functions can be brought to you even faster!
There have also been changes for teachers at public educational institutions: we have a free version for you. Please identify yourself here.
Cooperations with educational institutions enable all teachers at an educational institution to use feedbackr with the extended range of functions. If you are interested, contact team@feedbackr.io
New Features
White Labeling: Since feedbackr 2.0, the design can be individually adapted to your event. This means that feedbackr is seamlessly integrated into your event design.
Free-text questions: In addition to the proven single-choice and multiple-choice questions, your audience can now also compose short answers in text form.
Tour through feedbackr: Since summer 2017 Betty is guiding you through feedbackr. Betty makes it easier for newly registered users to get started – with great success.
Live Export: Results can be exported to Google Sheets for real-time calculations and evaluations such as rankings, pitch ratings or jury vote.
Multiple rooms: Lectures are often held in parallel at large-scale events. Since summer 2017 this can also be reflected in feedbackr: When creating sessions, several rooms can be added which can be operated simultaneously.

Bulk actions & Preview: We have added minor improvements such as bulk actions or a preview of the participant’s view based on your feedback.

Outlook 2018
Much has happened in 2017 – but we also have plans for 2018: We are working on our latest tool – the feedbackr presenter. The feedbackr presenter allows you to switch easily between your presentation and your feedbackr survey. But more about this in a future blog post 😉

Based on the requirements and your feedback, we have developed three tailor-made products in the respective areas, teaching, companies and events: feedbackr education, business and event. The introduction of the new products will take place automatically in the next few weeks. But more information will follow shortly!

feedbackr will be continuously developed further in 2018! If you have any wishes or suggestions for us, please write us an email to team@feedbackr.io
2017 in pictures:

Thankful for our customers and the enthusiastic team behind feedbackr, we look back on an exciting and sensational year 2017! We are already looking forward to 2018 🙂