How to use single and multiple choice questions
Have you ever wondered how you can utilize single and multiple choice question? There are more possibilities than you might suspect. We have curated a few possible areas of application for you.

We are all familiar with single and multiple choice questions. Many of us think that there are only a few ways to use those question types for example in surveys, but in fact there are many more. feedbackr offers single and multiple choice questions and that’s the reason why we want to show you some use cases for lecturing, events and corporations.

Single and multiple choice questions for lecturing
You are a lector at school or university? You want to know if your students understood the subject matter from your last lesson? Why don’t you use feedbackr single choice questions to find out if your students remembered the subject matter from the previous class? This will motivate all students to cast a vote. Even the shy ones who often do not dare to ask questions. In the end you can show the results and you get feedback if your tuition was good or you have to repeat some subjects.
Another possibility is to check the knowledge of your students in advance by asking single or multiple choice questions. Adapt your lecture according to the results. For sure all this suggestions also can be used for workshops.
In schools this tool also can be used too. Especially students benefit from feedback of their peers. For example an unit or a presentation can be assessed anonymous by classmates, in order to improve their performance. So why don’t you let your students evaluate each other?
feedbackr also provides you with a feature to highlight the correct answers. Let’s say, you do some knowledge verification in the end of your lesson. You can highlight the correct answers for example for knowledge verification. So the students get feedback which chapter they still need to refresh or study.
Single and multiple choice questions for events
Single and multiple choice questions can also be very helpful for events. Why don’t try something new, let your audience decide on which topic you should talk about. List your topics you want to speak about and let your audience vote which they are interested in the most.
You can also use single choice questions to get feedback from your audience after your speech. Let the audience vote if they enjoyed and increased their knowledge on the certain topic. This is a good feedback for you as well, so you know if you have to improve and change the structure of your presentation or speech for your next event. Or get information about the composition of our audience – Who visits your event? Why are they visiting? In which department they are working? With this knowledge you can assume to your audience and steer the event.
For panel discussions single and multiple choice questions are very suitable. Different questions can be defined in advance and your audience can choose which questions they want to be discussed. With feedbackr you can also show the results in real time – so if your vote is still going on, your audience can see the current results and can influence them. This makes the whole vote even more exciting.
Single and multiple choice questions for corporations
If you are head or department leader of a company feedbackr can make your daily work way more easier. The use of multiple or single choice questions can be used in many fields of your company. For example in meetings – do you remember those meetings which seemed to never come to an end!? Have you ever thought to use feedbackr for decision making? Use single and multiple choice questions to optimize your meetings and give every participant at the meeting the chance to express their opinion anonymously. You will see that, your meetings will be way more productive and the decision making will be accelerated – so you have more time to discuss other important issues.
Single and multiple choice questions can be very useful in lunch breaks as well. Where should your department order for lunch!? At the italian, chinese or greek restaurant? You never know – so ask!
As you can see there are many ways to use single and multiple choice questions. This was a short overview of some possible use cases. Single and multiple Choice questions can also be used to ‘break the ice’ with your audience.