Exam preparation using feedbackr
Alleviate pre-exam tension with feedbackr: create interactive quizzes to give students a clear idea of exam content and their own understanding, enhancing preparation and engagement.

There is often a tense situation among students before examinations. Every teacher hears the question “what will come to the examination” several times. feedbackr can be ideally used to give your students a sense of what they need to prepare for, or to create awareness of where there are still deficits.
To give your students an insight into what an exam might look like, use feedbackr to create a questionnaire. Your students answer your questions and get a sense of where they are in the development of the learning material and are actively concerned with the topic.
Use single or multiple choice questions with the “Show correct answers” option.
- Calculation of examples or derivation of formulas: provide a calculation example. Your students can calculate the example manually and select the appropriate answer via feedbackr.
- Knowledge questions: ask general knowledge questions.
- You get an overview of the learning status of your students.
- Students can better understand what the exam might look like and what kind of questions are asked.
- Students can better assess their level of knowledge.
- Students are once again actively engaged with the topic area.
Recommended settings in feedbackr
Multiple Choice Question

Show results immediately: deactivate to avoid mutual interference
Multiple choice: depending on the type of question, if multiple answers can be selected, activate.
Mark answers as correct: If you ask knowledge questions, you can also mark answers as correct. To do this, in the edit mode of the question, click on the circle (for single choice questions) or the square (for multiple choice questions) in the answers that you want to mark as correct. The correct answers will also be shown to your students after stopping the question.
Next week, we will introduce the uses of feedbackr for partner and group discussions.
feedbackr can be used in a wide variety of ways in teaching: